Hello, I am Alfonso! I like graphic design and illustration, and am highly interested in human-scale intelligent design an ergonomy in the objects that surround our daily life. I am using this website as a portfolio of sorts for my creations. Click through the links in the sidebar to see my previous projects.
I am mostly self taught but have been creating and drawing from a young age.
Recently, I have spent nearly a year with an NGO in Croatia and worked in a multicultural team to create, promote, and evaluate social and cultural activities in a rural area of the country. Most of my work in graphic design you will see here was created for that organization. Previously I had also produced promotional material for an LGBT-centered association in Spain.
When it comes to illustration and art, I have been drawing for over a decade and participated in several fanzines published on the internet. My older works have been made with an iPad, and my newer, with a huion tablet, using the art programs Medibang, Rebelle, or Krita - but I have also tried Gimp, Photoshop, and Inkscape.
My 3D models have been produced over the years using the Google SketchUp program. While I started out with big structures like houses and towers, I have gained proficiency through my interest in tiny houses and smaller, puzzle-box-like, living arrangements that nonetheless allow for a comfortable lifestyle on a reduced square footage.